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Complete for 2 points

A bheil deoch bhuaibh?

Do you want a drink?

Let’s have a look at this discussion. It’s full of useful phrases that you can adapt to suit a whole range of situations.

An cuala tu bhuapa? Did you hear from them?
Co? Who(m)?
Iain agus Anna. John and Anne.
Chuala mi bhuaipe ach cha chuala mi bhuaithe. Fhuair sinn cuireadh bho Anna gu dinnear a-nochd. I (have) heard from her but I didn’t/haven’t heard from him. We got an invitation from Anne to dinner tonight.
Càite? Where?
Tha iad a’ dol dhan taigh-bìdh ùr sin aig a’ chidhe. They’re going to that new restaurant at the pier.
A bheil thu a’ tarraing asam? Tha an t-àite sin uabhasach daor! Chuala mi sin bhuat roimhe. Are you kidding me? That place is terribly dear/expensive! I heard that from you before.
An cuala? Chan eil e cho daor (ri) sin. Mas e breug bhuam e, ‘s e breug thugam e. Cha robh mi riamh ann! Did you (hear)? It isn’t as dear as all that. I’m only telling you what I’ve been told (lit. if it’s a lie from me, it’s a lie to me). I’ve never been there!
Halo, a chàirdean, tha sibh ann mar-thà! Bha sinn dìreach anns an taigh-sheinnse an ath dhoras. Tha iomadh seòrsa uisge-beatha aca an sin. Hallo, friends. You’re here already! We were just in the pub next door. They have all kinds of whisky there.
A bheil deoch bhuaibh? Do you want a drink?
Tha! I/We would.
A bheil deoch bhuat, a Mhàiri? Dè ghabhas tu? Do you want a drink, Mary? What will you have?
Tha agus gabhaidh mi tè bheag. Och, cha ghabh! Gabhaidh mi fìon dearg, mas e do thoil e. I would. I’ll take a wee dram. Oh, I won’t. I’ll have a red wine, please.
Dè ghabhas tu, Fhionnlaigh? What would you like/take, Finlay?
Gabhaidh mi leann, mas e do thoil. I’ll I have/take a beer, please.
Agus tha biadh bhuainn, nach eil, Iain? And we want (some) food, don’t we, John?
Tha gu dearbh. We do indeed.
Nach òrdaich sinn, ma-tà? Let’s order then (lit. will we not order, then)?