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Complete for 2 points

Taigh Sheòrais no taigh Mòraig

George's house or Mòrag's house

Taigh Sheòrais (George’s house) and taigh Mòraig (Morag’s house) are examples of people’s names in the genitive (or possessive) case. In the genitive case, male and female names behave differently. 

For male names in the genitive case, we lenite at the beginning of the word, where possible, and slenderise at the end. This means that the genitive case and the vocative case of men’s names are exactly the same.  

Tuiseal Ainmneach 
Nominative case 
Seòras Alasdair Fionnlagh  Coinneach  
Tuiseal Gairmeach 
Vocative case 
A Sheòrais!  Feasgar math, Alasdair!   Halò, Fhionnlaigh! A Choinnich! 
Tuiseal Ginideach 
Genitive case  
taigh Sheòrais.  càr Alasdair.  cù Fhionnlaigh. Prògram Choinnich. 

Female names follow a different pattern. In the genitive case they do not lenite at the beginning of the word, but, as male names do, they slenderise at the end of the word where possible. In the vocative case they lenite at the beginning as male names do, but they do not slenderise at the end.  

Tuiseal Ainmneach 
Nominative case 
Seònaid  Eilidh  Fionnghal  Mòrag  
Tuiseal Gairmeach 
Vocative case 
A Sheònaid! Feasgar math, Eilidh!  Halò, Fhionnghal A Mhòrag! 
Tuiseal Ginideach 
Genitive case  
taigh Seònaid. càr Eilidh.  cù Fionnghail. Prògram Mòraig. 

Let’s look at some examples: 

An tèid sinn gu Baile Eilidh?

Will/Shall we go to Helensburgh?

An tèid sinn dhan bhaile, Eilidh?

Will/Shall we go to town, Helen?

An e siud Màiri, nighean Alasdair?

Is that Màiri, Alasdair’s girl/daughter?

S e sin Màiri, nighean Mòraig.

That’s Màiri, Morag’s girl/daughter.

Seo Caomhain, gille Seonaig.

This is Kevin, Joan’s lad/boy.

S e sin Tòmas, gille Sheòrais.

That’s Tomas, George’s lad/son.

An toir thu dhomh an leabhar, a Mhòrag?

Will you give me the book, Morag?

An toir thu dhomh leabhar Mòraig?

Will you give me Morag’s book?

Dhìrich sinn Sgùrr Alasdair.

We climbed Sgùrr Alasdair.

Dhìrich sinn Sgùrr Dhòmhnaill.

We climbed Sgùrr Dhòmhnaill.

An tig sibh a-steach gu Cafaidh Chaluim?

Will you come in to Calum’s Café?

Nach tig thu a-steach gu Cafaidh Ciorstaig?

Won’t you come in to Chrissie’s Café?