Ag ràdh gu bheil rudeigin a dhìth ort - Dèanta!

Ag ràdh gu bheil rudeigin a dhìth ort - Dèanta!

You should now be confident about: Ag ràdh gu bheil rudeigin a dhìth ort | Saying you need something You should also be confident about: Gnìomhairean neo-iomlan: FEUM | Defective verbs: FEUM Math dha-rìribh! You have learnt to talk about ag ràdh gu bheil rudeigin a dhìth ort (asking for what you need) in Gaelic! Why not take this mini-test to see how well you're doing? Why not move on to talk about a' toirt seachad leisgeulan (giving excuses)?