Finlay has a yellow car
Tha càr buidhe aig Fionnlagh
Let’s have a look at this conversation. By the end of this short section, you will be able to have this conversation!

Tha càr gorm aige, nach eil?
He has a blue car, doesn't he?


Esan! Fionnlagh! Nach eil càr gorm aig Fionnlagh?
Him! Finlay! Doesn't Finlay have a blue car?

Chan eil. Tha càr buidhe aige.
No. He has a yellow car.

Nach eil peann buidhe aige?
Doesn't he have a yellow pen?

Tha. A bheil taigh buidhe aige?
Yes. Does he have a yellow house?

Nach eil taigh geal aige?
Doesn't he have a white house?

Chan eil. Tha taigh buidhe aige.
No. He has a yellow house.