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Complete for 2 points

An dàrna turas: Tha càr buidhe aig Fionnlagh

Take two: Finlay has a yellow car

Look at the conversation again:

Tha càr gorm aige, nach eil? He has a blue car, doesn’t he?
Cò? Who?
Esan! Fionnlagh! Nach eil càr gorm aig Fionnlagh? Him! Finlay! Doesn’t Finlay have a blue car?
Chan eil. Tha càr buidhe aige. No. He has a yellow car.
Nach eil peann buidhe aige? Doesn’t he have a yellow pen?
Tha. A bheil taigh buidhe aige? Yes. Does he have a yellow house?
Nach eil taigh geal aige? Doesn’t he have a white house?
Chan eil. Tha taigh buidhe aige. No. He has a yellow house.