Complete for 2 points

An dàrna turas: An toil leat gàirnealaireachd?

Take two: Do you like gardening?

Let’s have another look at our conversation.

Halò, Anna. Càit a bheil thu? Hallo, Anne. Where are you?
Haidh, Fhionnlaigh! Tha mi fhèin agus Iain a-muigh an seo sa ghàrradh. An cuir thu an càr dhan gharaids ri taobh an taighe? Hi, Finlay! Myself and John are out in the garden. Could you (will you) put the car in the garage beside the house?
Cuiridh gu dearbh. I will (put).
Agus an toir thu biadh dha na h-eòin, mas e do thoil e? Tha poca buidhe an sin ri taobh na garaids. And would you feed the birds, please? There’s a yellow sack there beside the garage.
Bheir, gu dearbh. I will (feed).
An toil leat gàirnealaireachd, Iain? Do you like gardening, John?
‘S toil, ach chan eil gàrradh agam an-dràsta. Bha gàrradh aig mo sheanair ‘s mo sheanmhair nuair a bha mi beag. Bha taigh-glainne aig mo sheanair. Bhiodh e a’ cur – agus a’ fàs – flùraichean is lusan annasach ann. Dè bhios tusa a’ cur anns a’ ghàrradh agadsa? I do, but I don’t have a garden just now. My grampa and granny had a garden when I was wee. My grampa had a greenhouse. He would plant – and grow – flowers and unusual plants. What do you plant in your garden?
Bidh mi a’ cur flùraichean ceart gu leòr. Agus rùbarab! Agus bidh mi a’ cur tòrr lusan, currain, snèap, càl … agus leatas. ‘S toil leam sailead. I plant flowers, right enough. And rhubarb! And I also plant lots of plants, carrots, turnip, cabbage (kale) … and lettuce. I like salad.
An do chuir thu buntàta a-riamh? Have you ever planted (did you ever plant) potatoes?
Chuir. Bidh mi a’ cur buntàta a h-uile bliadhna. Abair gu bheil iad blasta le beagan ime. I have (planted). I plant potatoes every year. They’re so tasty with a little butter.