Complete for 2 points

Thoir dhomh truinnsear, mas e do thoil e

Give me a plate, please

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will be able to have this conversation! It’s full of useful phrases that you can adapt to suit a whole range of situations.

Halò, Anna. Càit a bheil thu? Hallo, Anne. Where are you?
Tha mi an seo, anns a’ chidsin. Dùin an doras. Tha i fuar an-diugh. I’m here, in the kitchen. Close the door. It’s cold today.
Thoir dhomh searbhadair, mas e do thoil? Tha mi air a bhith a-muigh a’ ruith san uisge agus tha mi bog fliuch a-nise. Give me a towel, please? I have been out running in the rain, and I’m soaking now.
Seo dhut. Here you are.
Agus tha am pathadh orm. An toir thu glainne dhomh? And I’m thirsty. Will you give me a glass?
Seo dhut. Here you go.
Agus … a bheil fhios agad? And … do you know?
Dè? What?
Tha an t-acras gam tholladh. Nach eil an t-acras ortsa? I’m starving. Aren’t you hungry?
Tha. Agus …? Yes (I am). And …?
‘S e coiridh a th’ agad an sin san àmhainn, nach e? That’s a curry you’ve got in the oven, isn’t it?
‘S e. Agus …? Yes (it is). And …?
Saoil an toir thu dhomh beagan dheth? Do you think you could give me a little of it?
Bheir, gu dearbh. I certainly will (give).
Tapadh leat. Agus am faigh mi truinnsear? Thanks. Can I have a plate?
Gheibh. You can (have).
Agus an toir thu dhomh forca … agus sgian? And will you give me a fork … and a knife?
Nach cuidich thu thu fhèin? Won’t you just help yourself?
Cuidichidh, gu dearbh. I certainly will (help myself).
Tha an truinnsear anns a’ phreasa. Agus tha forca agus sgian air a’ bhòrd. The plate is in the cupboard, and there is a fork and a knife on the table.
Mìle taing, Anna. Tha thu cho còir. Thanks a lot, Anne (a thousand thanks). You’re so generous (kind).
Tha sin ceart gu leòr. Cuir air an coire, mas e do thoil? That’s alright. Put the kettle on, please?
Cuiridh gu dearbh. I certainly will (put).
Agus am faigh thu muga dhomh? Tha am pathadh ormsa cuideachd. An gabh thu cupa tì? And would (will) you get me a mug? I’m thirsty as well. Will you have a cup of tea?
Cha ghabh, tapadh leat. Cha toil leam tì. I won’t (have), thanks. I don’t like tea.