Complete for 2 points

Cha ghabh, tapadh leat. Cha toil leam tì

I won't (have), thanks. I don't like tea.

And here are the examples we saw in the conversation earlier:

Dùin an doras.

Close the door.

Thoir dhomh searbhadair, mas e do thoil?

Give me a towel, please?

An toir thu glainne dhomh?

Will you give me a glass?

Saoil an toir thu dhomh beagan dheth?

Do you think you could give me a little of it?

Bheir, gu dearbh.

I certainly will (give).

Agus am faigh mi truinnsear?

Can I have a plate?


You can (have).

Agus an toir thu dhomh forca … agus sgian?

And will you give me a fork … and a knife?

Nach cuidich thu (thu) fhèin?

Won’t you (just) help yourself?

Cuidichidh, gu dearbh.

I certainly will (help myself)

Cuir air an coire, mas e do thoil?

That’s alright. Put the kettle on, please?


I will (put).

Agus am faigh thu muga dhomh?

And would (will) you get me a mug?

An gabh thu cupa tì/teatha?

Will you have a cup of tea?

Cha ghabh, tapadh leat. Cha toil leam tì.

I won’t (have), thanks. I don’t like tea.