Will you close the door?

An dùin thu an doras?

To ask someone to do something in Gaelic, we use the dependent form of a verb in its future tense. Watch as Joy explains how this works.

Gaelic verbs have one form for the simple statement, like Bha mi ag obair, and a secondary form for the question, An robh thu ag obair? Or the negative response: Cha robh.

In the future tense, this secondary form usually is the command form of the verb. Suidh! is Sit! An suidh thu?, is Will you sit? And Cha shuidh to refuse:             Dùin is Close or Shut! As in Dùin an doras! Shut the door! An dùin thu an doras?, is Will you shut the door? And Cha dhùin is to refuse. Èist! is the command Listen! So An èist thu?, Will you listen? And Chan èist to refuse.

When you're asking someone to do something, another useful word to use is: thoir which means bring, along with the phrase, thoir dhomh – give me, thoir dhomh. Thoir and thoir dhomh.

But if you wanted to say, Will you give me? it's: An toir thu dhomh...? An toir, an toir thu dhomh...?

For example, you could say: An toir thu dhomh a' bhasgaid? Will you give me the basket? An toir thu dhomh a' bhasgaid?

To order someone to get something for you, we use faigh, get or fetch. Faigh. As in Faigh sin! Get that! Faigh sin!

But to request or ask that someone gets something for you, “Will you get?”, or “Will you fetch?”, we say: Am faigh thu ... and whatever it is dhomh? Am faigh, am faigh thu and whatever it is dhomh?

For example, to ask for a bowl: Am faigh thu bobhla dhomh?

And to ask someone to put something somewhere, we use: An cuir thu...? , “Will you put?” An cuir thu?

For example: An cuir thu seo air a' bhòrd? Will you put this on the table? An cuir thu seo air a' bhòrd?