Complete for 2 points

An toil leat coltas an dorais?

Do you like the appearance of the door?

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will be able to have this conversation! It’s full of useful phrases that you can adapt to suit a whole range of situations.

An e buidhe no orainds a th’ ann? Is it yellow or orange?
‘S e orainds dath na h-uinneige. Ach ‘s e buidhe dath a’ choire anns a’ chidsin. The window is orange. But the kettle in the kitchen is yellow!
‘S toil le Fionnlagh dath na sòfa agad … agus na cuiseanan buidhe! Finlay likes the colour of your sofa … and the yellow cushions!
Nach eil fhios agam. An toil leat coltas an dorais, Fhionnlaigh? An doras-aghaidh? Don’t I know it. Do you like the look (appearance) of the door, Finlay? The front door?
Nach eil fhios agad? ‘S toil leam an dath gu mòr! Tha e buidhe! Don’t you know? I like it a lot! It’s yellow!
Agus an toil leat cruth agus meud an dorais? And do you like the shape and size of the door?
Uill, chan eil mi cinnteach mun sin … ach ‘s toil leam an dath. Well, I’m not so sure about that … but I (do) like the colour.
Seallaibh! Cha robh ann ach fras! Tha turadh ann a-nis. Look! It was only a shower. It’s dry now.
‘S math sin! Gheibh mi an nigheadaireachd – mu dheireadh thall. That’s great! I’ll get the washing – finally.
An dèan mi cupa cofaidh dhut fhad ‘s a bhios tu a-muigh anns a’ ghàrradh? Will I make you a cup of coffee while you’re out in the garden?
Bhiodh cupa cofaidh math, Iain. Taing. A cup of coffee would be good, John. Thanks.
Gun dragh. No problem.
Fhionnlaigh, am fosgail thu doras a’ chidsin, mas e do thoil? Thug mi biadh do na cait na bu tràithe agus bidh iad a’ leum air mullach a’ bhùird agus ag imlich rud sam bith a bhios air na truinnsearan! Finlay, would you open the kitchen door, please? I fed the cats earlier and they jump on the tabletop and lick anything that’s on the plates.
Fosglaidh, gu dearbh. I certainly will (open).
Èistibh! Tha na h-eòin a’ ceilearach anns na craobhan a-nis! Listen! The birds are chirping in the trees!
Tha gu dearbh. Nach binn guth an eòin far an do dh’fhàs e! They certainly are! How sweet the bird’s voice (in the place) where it grew.