Complete for 2 points

'S urrainn dhomh an giotàr a chluich

I can play the guitar

When we describe our ability more fully, we may sometimes use a direct object in our sentences, for example, withlity more fully, we may sometimes use a direct object in our sentences, for example, with

a’ dràibheadh càrdriving a car
a’ cluich a’ ghiotàirplaying the guitar
ag òl cofaidhdrinking coffee
a’ faicinn filmseeing a film
a’ bruidhinn Fraingisspeaking French

a’ dràibheadh càr

driving a car

a’ cluich a’ ghiotàir

playing the guitar

ag òl cofaidh

drinking coffee

a’ faicinn film

seeing a film

a’ bruidhinn Fraingis

speaking French

We change the order by using inversion, which is the same structure we saw used with faod and feum back in Cuspair 9, A2.

Compare these sentences:

Thathua’ dràibheadhcàr.
Bhaea’ leughadhleabhar.
Bhaiag òlcofaidh.
Bidhiada’ faicinnfilm.
A bheilthua’ tuigsinnFraingis?

with these

‘S urrainndhutcàradhràibheadh.
Chan urrainndhaleabharaleughadh.
An urrainndhicofaidh òl?
Chan urrainndhaibhfilm fhaicinn.
An urrainndhutFraingisathuigsinn?

Where there is a direct object, the verbal noun comes at the end, just as we saw with faod and feum in Cuspair 9. The verbal noun is lenited and preceded by a (no apostrophe). Look at what happens to òl (drink) which begins with a vowel, it doesn’t take a and cannot lenite: and with faicinn (which begins with the letter f), it also doesn’t take a, but lenites to fhaicinn.

Let’s see some examples.

Chan urrainn dhomh Fraingis no Spàinntis a thuigsinn.

I cannot understand French or Spanish.

An urrainn dhut cànan eile a bhruidhinn?

Can you speak another language?

‘S urrainn dhi leabhar Gàidhlig a leughadh.

She can read a Gaelic book.

An urrainn dha stocainn fhighe?

Can he can knit a sock?

‘S urrainn dhuinn biadh Iapanach a chòcaireachd.

We can cook Japanese food.

An urrainn dhuibh maraton a ruith?

Can you (polite/plural) run a marathon?

Chan urrainn dhaibh coiridh spìosrach ithe.

They can’t eat a spicy curry.

Nach urrainn do Mhàiri biadh Eadailteach a dheasachadh?

Can’t Màiri cook (prepare) Italian food?

And let’s see some examples from our conversation.

An urrainn dhomh an iPad agad a chleachdadh?

Can I (am I able to) use your iPad?

An urrainn dhut seinn?

Can you sing?

Nach urrainn dhut ionnsramaid a chluich?

Can’t you play an instrument?

Chan urrainn dhomh, gu mì fhortanach.

I can’t, unfortunately.

‘S urrainn dhomh rudeigin a chluich.

I can play something.

‘S urrainn dhomh iomain a chluich.

I can play shinty.

‘S urrainn dhomh bhan a dhràibheadh.

I can drive a van.

Saoil an urrainn dhut lioft a thoirt dhomh?

I wonder if you can give me a lift?

‘S urrainn, gu dearbh!

Yes, of course!