Complete for 2 points

Tha e math air seinn

He's good at singing

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will be able to have this conversation! It’s full of useful phrases that you can adapt to suit a whole range of situations.

An cuala tu? Did you hear?
An cuala mi dè? Did I hear what?
Tha Iain a’ dol chun a’ Mhòid am-bliadhna. Agus tha Fionnlagh a’ toirt lioft dha. John is going to the Mod this year. And Finlay is giving him a lift.
Math fhèin! Saoil am biodh e comasach dhuinn lioft fhaighinn còmhla riutha? Excellent! I wonder if it will be possible for us to get a lift with them?
A bheil Iain math air seinn? Is John good at singing?
Tha gu dearbh. Tha e math air seinn, ach tha e nas fheàrr air a’ ghiotàr. Bha e comasach air bonn no dhà a chosnadh nuair a bha e òg. He is indeed. He’s good at singing, but he’s better on the guitar. He was able to win a medal or two when he was young(er).
An robh thusa math air seinn nuair a bha thu òg? Were you good at singing when you were young?
Cha robh mi dona. Bha mi aig a’ Mhòd uair no dhà. Agus dè mu do dheidhinn-sa? I wasn’t bad. I was at the Mod once or twice. And what about you?
Tha e comasach dhomh òran no dhà a ghabhail, agus thèid agam air ceòl a leughadh, ach chan eil e comasach dhomh seinn air an àrd-ùrlar. Bidh mi gun chomas idir! I am able to sing a song or two, and I can (manage) to read music, but i can’t sing on (the) stage. I just won’t (I am without ability at all).
Carson? Why?
Tha eagal orm ron luchd-èisteachd, ron àrd-ùrlar … ro rudeigin! Ach thèid agam a bhith san talla ag èisteachd ri Iain! I am afraid of the audience, of the stage … of something! But I can manage to be in the hall listening to John!
Agus bidh e comasach dhomhsa a dhol ann cuideachd. ‘S urrainn dhomh làithean-saora a ghabhail aig an àm sin. And I will be able to come as well. I can take holidays at that time.
Nach eil e comasach dhut fònadh gu Fionnlagh an-dràsta? Can’t you (aren’t you able to) phone Finlay just now?
Tha e comasach dhomh. Fònaidh mi thuige an-dràsta fhèin. I can (am able to). I’ll phone him right now.
Abair splaoid a bhios againn! What a trip we’ll have!