Complete for 2 points

Dòigh eile air a ràdh

Another way to say it

We can express ability by using the verb thèid (will come) + aig and the preposition air (on).

An urrainndhutFraingisathuigsinn?
An tèidagad / airFraingisathuigsinn?

An urrainn dhut Fraingis a thuigsinn?

Can you understand French?

An tèid agad air Fraingis a thuigsinn?

Can you understand French?

And the response

‘S urrainndhomhFraingisathuigsinn.
Thèidagam airFraingisathuigsinn.

‘S urrainn dhomh Fraingis a thuigsinn.

I can understand French.

Thèid agam air Fraingis a thuigsinn.

I can understand French.

An tèid agad air?

Can you/ Will you manage it?

And remember that  if discussing language ability we can use the very simple expression we learned in A1 Cuspair 12: thaagam.

A bheil Fraingis agad?

Do you have (speak) French?

Tha Fraingis agam.

I do have (speak) French.

Chan eil Fraingis agam.

I don’t have (speak) French.