Complete for 2 points

An urrainn dhut seinn?

Can you sing?

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will be able to have this conversation! It’s full of useful phrases that you can adapt to suit a whole range of situations.

Fhionnlaigh, an urrainn dhomh an iPad agad a chleachdadh? Finlay, can I use your iPad?
‘S urrainn, gu dearbh. Tha e air agus a’ teàirrdseadh. Carson? You can indeed. It’s on and charging. Why?
Tha an coimpiutar agam aig an taigh. Agus feumaidh mi foirm a lìonadh air loidhne—ro chòig uairean an diugh. My computer’s at home. And I have to fill in this form online—before five o’clock today.
Seo dhut! Here you are!
Mìle taing. Tha cabhag orm. A thousand thanks. I’m in a hurry.
‘S e do bheatha. You’re welcome.
Nise, Fhionnlaigh, an urrainn dhut seinn? Now, Finlay, can you sing?
Chan urrainn. Tha ùidh agam ann an ceòl, ge tà. I can’t (sing). I have an interest in music, though.
A bheil? Nach urrainn dhut ionnsramaid a chluich? Do you? Can’t you play an instrument?
Chan urrainn dhomh, gu mì fhortanach. ‘S urrainn dhomh rudeigin a chluich, ach chan e ionnsramaid a th’ ann. No, unfortunately. I can play something, but it’s not an instrument.
Dè th’ ann? What is it?
‘S urrainn dhomh iomain a chluich. Agus bidh mi ga cluich a h-uile Disathairne! I can play shinty. And I play it every Saturday!
Hà hà. Tha mi a’ tuigsinn. Uill, ‘s urrainn dhut dràibheadh, nach urrainn? Ha, ha. I get it. Well, you can drive, can’t you?
‘S urrainn dhomh bhan a dhràibheadh. Nach eil cuimhn’ agad air a’ bhan bhuidhe agam? I can drive a van. Don’t you remember my yellow van?
Tha cuimhn’ agam. Cha tèid agam air dràibheadh na làithean seo. Saoil an urrainn dhut lioft a thoirt dhomh a Phort Rìgh anns an Dàmhair? Tha mi a’ dol chun a’ Mhòid am bliadhna! I do remember. I can’t drive at the moment (these days). I wonder if you could give me a lift to Portree in October? I’m going to the Mod this year.
‘S urrainn gu dearbh! Abair splaoid a bhios againn! I can indeed. What a trip we’ll have!