It's possible for me

Tha e comasach dhomh

To talk about things that are or aren't possible, we can use the adjective comasach (able, capable) with the preposition do (to, for).

As with urrainn , where there is no direct object , the verbal noun comes directly after do (to, for).

A bheil e comasach do Mhàiri seinn aig a' bhanais?
Is it possible for Màiri to sing at the wedding?
Tha. Tha e comasach do Mhàiri seinn aig a' bhanais.
Yes. It is possible for Màiri to sing at the wedding.

and with a prepositional pronoun

A bheil e comasach dhut seinn aig a' bhanais?
Is it possible for you to sing at the wedding?
Tha. Tha e comasach dhomh seinn aig a' bhanais.
Yes. It is possible for me to sing at the wedding.

But again—just as we saw with urrainn in the previous section—when we have a direct object , we use inversion .

A bheil e comasach dhut òran a sheinn aig a' bhanais?
Is it possible for you to sing a song at the wedding?
Tha. Tha e comasach dhomh òran a sheinn aig a' bhanais.
Yes. It is possible for me to sing a song at the wedding.