We like to promote Gaelic
'S toil leinn a bhith a' brosnachadh na Gàidhlig
Let's have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will be able to have this conversation! It's full of useful phrases that you can adapt to suit a whole range of situations.

Halò, Fhionnlaigh. Uill, chuala mi!
Hallo, Finlay. Well, I heard!

Dè chuala tu? Feumaidh tu innse dhomh!
What did you hear? You'll have to tell me!

Chuala mi gu bheil sibh a' dol chun a' Mhòid am-bliadhna! Ann am Port Rìgh! Thu fhèin agus Iain.
I heard that you are going to the Mod this year! In Portree! You and John!

Tha sin ceart. Tha thu math air rannsachadh!
That's right. You're good at research!

Uill, 's àbhaist do dh'Anna a bhith air làithean-saora san Fhraing, agus mar as àbhaist, bidh mise ag obair anns an Dàmhair, ach bha sinn a' bruidhinn agus ...
Well, Anna is usually on holiday in France, and usually I am working in October, but we were talking and ...

agus ...
and ...

Bidh e comasach dhuinn ar làithean-saora a ghabhail aig àm a' Mhòid. Am faod sinn a thighinn ann còmhla ribh, mas e do thoil?
We are able to take our holidays at the time of the Mòd. Can (may) we come with you, please?

Faodaidh, gu dearbh. 'S urrainn dhuibh lioft fhaighinn còmhla rinn.
You may indeed. You can get a lift with us.

Sgoinneil! Ceud taing. Am faod sinn Bratach na Gàidhlig a thoirt leinn? Tha i mòr!
Terrific! A hundred thanks. Can (may) we bring the Gaelic Flag with us? It's big!

Bratach na Gàidhlig?
The Gaelic Flag?

'S toil leinn a bhith a' brosnachadh na Gàidhlig, mas urrainn dhuinn.
We like to promote (encourage) Gaelic, if we can.

Faodaidh. Ach an tèid agaibh a bhith modhail leatha?
You may. But can you (manage) to behave yourselves with it?

Thèid! Nach eil fhios gun tèid! Cleachd i no caill i! Suas leis a' Ghàidhlig!
Yes! Don't you know that we can? Use it or lose it! Up with Gaelic!