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Complete for 2 points

Feuch e: A' dannsa aig an sgoil

Siuthad! Your turn now:

Answer the questions with your favourite responses. Just have fun as this is not a test, you can’t go wrong. 

Cuin a tha an sgoil a’ dùnadh? When is the school closing?
Timcheall air trì uairean feasgar. Carson? About 3pm. Why?
Nach eil do chlann ag ithe? Aren’t your children eating?
Chan eil iad ag ithe. Tha iad a’ dannsa. They are not eating. They are dancing.
Cuin a tha seo a’ tachairt? When is this happening?
Tha iad a’ dannsa aig ochd uairean air an oidhche. They are dancing at 8 at night.
Càit a bheil seo a’ tachairt? Where is this happening?
Aig an sgoil. At the school.
Nach eil an sgoil dùinte? Isn’t the school closed?
Tha an sgoil fosgailte. The school is open.
Agus dè cho fada ‘s a tha e? And how long is it?
A’ dannsa? Tha e a’ toirt uair a thìde. The dancing? It takes an hour.