Let’s learn how to ask when something is happening.
Cuin a tha...?
When is...?
Cuin a tha seo?
When is this?
Cuin a tha seo a' tachairt?
When is this happening?
We can develop these questions to ask about specific events happening or when people are doing things.
Cuin a tha a' bhùth a’ fosgladh?
When is the shop opening?
Cuin a tha a' bhùth a’ dùnadh?
When is the shop closing?
Cuin a tha an sgoil a’ fosgladh?
When is the school opening?
Cuin a tha an taigh-seinnse a’ dùnadh?
When is the pub closing?
We can either answer abruptly using the times we have learnt earlier on in this topic or we can give full answers.
Tha a' bhùth a’ fosgladh aig naoi uairean
The shop is opening at nine o’clock
Tha a' bhùth a’ dùnadh aig leth-uair an dèidh còig
The shop is closing at half past five
Tha an sgoil a’ fosgladh aig cairteal gu naoi
The school is opening at quarter to nine
Tha an taigh-seinnse a’ dùnadh timcheall air aon uair deug
The pub is closing at about eleven