Joy explains how to use the word cuin and how to ask questions about what happened in the pastand what is happening just now.
We’ll recap this in more detail, but we already know from looking at the weather that we can create the simple past tense by replacing tha with bha.
We can develop these questions to ask about specific events or when people did things.
We can either answer abruptly using the times we have learnt earlier on in this topic or we can give full answers.
What happens if you want to talk about something which happened a few days ago? We’ll go over the simple past tense just now.
You already know the structures. We know from previous lessons how to structure our questions and answers. Only one word has changed - tha to bha . Tha is the present tense of ‘to be’ and bha is used here in the past tense . Although this is used in the dependent form here, it is also used in the independent form at the start of sentences.
We can also create the past tenses of other structures we have met or answers to simple questions.
Tha -> Bha
Chan eil -> Cha robh
We also have new ways of asking questions
A bheil …? -> An robh …?
Nach eil …? -> Nach robh …?
This gives us a whole new structure we can add to the ones we have learnt already.
Use different pronouns to ask about others.
We can also swap the pronouns for people!