When was I working in the morning?

Cuin a bha mi ag obair anns a’ mhadainn?

Let's incorporate time spells into existing sentence structures.

Cuin a bha thu ag obair feasgar an-dè?
When were you working yesterday afternoon?
Cuin a bha mi ag obair anns a’ mhadainn?
When was I working in the morning?
Cuin a bha e ag ithe air an fheasgar?
When was he eating in the afternoon?
Cuin a bha iad a’ seinn air an oidhche?
When were they singing at night?
An robh thu ag obair feasgar an-dè?
Were you working yesterday afternoon?
An robh thu ag ithe tràth?
Were you eating early?
Nach robh thu ag ithe an-diugh?
Weren’t you eating today?
Nach robh an taigh-seinnse a’ dùnadh tràth?
Wasn’t the pub closing early?
Nach robh seo dèanta?
Wasn’t this complete?
Bha a' bhùth fosgailte dà uair a thìde air ais
The shop was open two hours ago
An robh an taigh-bìdh dùinte?
Was the restaurant closed?
Dè cho fada ’s a bha an taigh-seinnse dùinte?
How long was the pub closed for?
Cha robh an sgoil dùinte
The school was not closed