What time is it?
Dè an uair a tha e?
We have met the simple sentences to tell the time already.
Dè an uair a tha e?
What time is it?
Tha e uair
it is one o’clock
Chan eil e dà uair
it is not two o’clock
Like English, the o’clock or uair(ean) is dropped when we use half-past etc.
Tha e leth-uair an dèidh ceithir
It’s half past four
Tha e cairteal an dèidh ceithir
It’s quarter past four
Tha e cairteal gu ceithir
It’s quarter to four
Tha e gu bhith uair
it is almost one
Tha e gu bhith dà uair
it is almost two
Tha e timcheall air ceithir uairean
It is about four o’clock