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Bilingual transcription: Ionnsachadh

Bilingual transcription: Learning



O halò!

(Oh hello!)

Bha mi a’ bruidhinn ri Mìcheal an-dè agus dh’iarr e orm tighinn a-steach.

Is mise Sophie.

(I was talking to Micheal yesterday and he asked me to pop in.  I’m Sophie.)

O seadh.

Uill chan eil sinn air fosgladh fhathast agus chan eil Mìcheal an seo an-dràsta.

Ach, fàgaidh mi d’ fhiosrachadh aige.

Dè an sloinneadh a th’ ort?

(Oh, right.  Well we haven’t opened yet and Micheal’s not here just now.  But, I’ll leave your details for him.  What’s your surname?)

Andreasen… Sophie Andreasen… caraid Mhìcheil… às an Danmhairg.

(Andreasen… Sophie Andreasen.. Micheal’s friend… from Denmark.)

O Sophie! Gabh mo leisgeul.

Bha Mìcheal a’ bruidhinn mu do dheidhinn.

Tha thu air ais ann an Alba.
Do bheatha dhan dùthaich.

(Oh Sophie! My apologies.  Micheal was talking about you. You’re back in Scotland. Welcome back.)

Tha mi uabhasach duilich, ach an can sibh sin a-rithist mas e ur toil e?

(I’m really sorry but could you say that again please? My what…?)

Bidh Mìcheal ag ràdh gu bheil mi a’ bruidhinn ro luath.

Do bheatha dhan dùthaich. Fàilte air ais!

Cha bhi Mìcheal fada. Siuthad, suidh sìos.

(Micheal always says I talk too fast.  Welcome to the country. Welcome back! Micheal won’t be long.  Go on, sit down Sophie.)

Is mise Etta agus tha mi ag obair còmhla ri Mìcheal, trì latha san t-seachdain.

(I’m Etta.  I work part-time with Micheal, three days a week.)

Am bi sibh a’ teagasg nan clasaichean Gàidhlig?

(Do you teach the Gaelic classes?)

Cò? Mise? Gu dearbha cha bhi!

(Who? Me? I certainly don’t!)

Tha Gàidhlig bhrèagha agaibh.

(Your Gaelic is lovely.)

Tapadh leat! Is fìor thoil leam a bhith a’ bruidhinn na Gàidhlig, ach chan eil sgot agam mun ghràmar! Ciamar a tha dol dhut fhèin?

(Oh thank you! I love talking Gaelic but I can’t make any sense of the grammar.  How are you getting on?)

Tha mi fhathast ag ionnsachadh. Tha e nas fhasa dhomh a bhith a’ sgrìobhadh na Gàidhlig ach nas dorra dhomh a bhith a’ bruidhinn na Gàidhlig.

(Well I’m still learning.  It’s easier for me to write Gaelic but harder to speak Gaelic.)

Tha thu a’ dèanamh fìor mhath.

O – seo e fhèin!

(You’re doing very well.  Oh – here he is!)

Halò Sophie. Lorg thu an t-àite. Dè do bheachd?

(Hello Sophie.  You found the place.  What do you think?)

Tha e…ciamar a chanas mi e… Tha e car coltach ris a’ Ghàidhlig agamsa ach thig e air adhart!

(Well it’s… how will I say it… It’s like my Gaelic but it’ll come on!)

Mar a chanadh m’ athair… Chan ann leis a’ chiad bhuille a thuiteas a’ chraobh!

(As my father would say… the tree won’t fall from the first strike!)

Is toil leam sin Etta.

(I like that Etta.)

Chan eil mi cinnteach a bheil mi ga thuigsinn, an can sibh a-rithist e?

(I’m not sure I understand it, could you repeat it?)

Canaibh a-rithist e Etta agus canaibh e beagan nas slaodaiche.

(Say it again Etta and say it more slowly.)

Chan ann… leis a’ chiad bhuille… a thuiteas a’ chraobh.

A bheil sin nas soilleire?

(The tree won’t fall from the first strike! Is that clearer?)

Tha sin nas soilleire, mòran taing.

Is toil leam an abairt sin. ‘S toil leam a bhith ag ionnsachadh abairtean!

An ionnsaich sibh an tuilleadh dhomh, mas e ur toil e?

(That’s clearer, thank you.  I like that saying.  Could you teach me some more, please?)

Bhithinn ro thoilichte sin a dhèanamh!

(I’d be more than happy to do that!)