Complete for 2 points

Làithean geala dha-rìribh

Happy days indeed

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will be able to have this conversation! It’s full of useful phrases that you can adapt to suit a whole range of situations.

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Am biodh tu a’ seinn aig a’ Mhòd nuair a bha thu òg, Iain? Did you sing at the Mòd when you were young, John?
Bhitheadh. Bhiodh an teaghlach gu lèir a’ dol ann a h-uile bliadhna. Bhiodh mo pheathraichean ag ionnsachadh òran, agus gu minig bhithinn ga ionnsachadh cuide riutha. Ach gu mì-fhortanach, cha bhithinn a’ seinn anns a’ cho-fharpais còmhla riutha! Ach, nuair a bha mi seachd bliadhna a dh’aois, thuirt Mam is Dad gun robh mi mòr gu leòr airson seinn aig a’ Mhòd. I did (would be). The whole family would go there every year. My sisters would learn a song, and often I would learn it along with them. But unfortunately, I wouldn’t sing in the competition with them! But, when I was seven years old, Mam and Dad said I was big enough to sing at the Mòd.
Làithean geala dha-rìribh. Happy days indeed.
A Mhàiri, an urrainn dhut sùil a thoirt air an app gus am faic sinn a bheil an t-aiseag ris an uair? Màiri, could you look at the app to see if the ferry’s on time?
‘S urrainn. O-o! Tha tubaist-rathaid ann faisg air a’ Ghearasdan. An dèan sinn air an drochaid, ma-tà? I could. Oh-oh! There’s a road accident near Fort William (lit, the Garrison). Will we head for the bridge, then?
Nì. We will (go).
Uill, greas ort, a bhalaich! Tha am Mòd a’ feitheamh oirnn, uill ormsa, co-dhiù! Well, hurry up, man! The Mod is waiting for us, well for me, anyway!
‘S math gu bheil fònaichean-làimhe againn san latha an-diugh. Anns na seann làithean bhiodh sinn a’ fuireach na h-oidhche ann am Malaig! It’s good that we’ve got mobiles in this day and age. In the old days we’d be staying the night in Mallaig!
Ò dè a-nis? Seall! Càr poileis a’ cur stad oirnn! Fhionnlaigh, an robh thu a’ dol ro luath? Oh, what now? Look. A police car is stopping us! Finlay, were you going too fast?
Cha robh! I wasn’t!
Feasgar math, a chàirdean. An robh fhios agaibh, sir, gun robh sibh a’ dol aig astar ro luath airson an rathaid seo? Good afternoon, friends. Did you know, sir, that you were going at a speed too fast for this road?
Cha robh, oifigeir, tha mi duilich. Bha sinn a’ dèanamh air an aiseag, ach a-nis … I didn’t, officer. I am sorry. We were heading for the ferry, but now …
Chan eil sin gu diofar. Fuirich mionaid. Nach eil mi eòlach ort? Nach robh thu a’ goid pheataichean bho bhùth ann am Port Rìgh an-uiridh? That doesn’t matter. Wait a minute. Don’t I know you? Didn’t you steal pets from a shop in Portree last year (lit. weren’t you stealing pets …)?
Gu dearbh, cha robh. Cha bhithinn a’ dèanamh a leithid a-riamh. I certainly was not. I would never do such a thing (lit. I wouldn’t be doing the like ever.)
Feumaidh mi sùil a thoirt air na th’ agad am broinn a’ chàir agad. I will have to look what you have inside your car.
Mo chreach-sa thàinig! Feumaidh sinn dèanamh às an-dràsta fhèin, no chan fhaigh Iain chun a’ Mhòid! My goodness! We’ll have to make off right now, or John won’t get to the Mòd!
Fhionnlaigh! Chan urrainn dhut, no bidh trioblaid nas miosa romhainn uile! Finlay. You can’t, or there’ll be worse trouble for us all!