I’ll see my parents at Hogmanay

Chì mi mo phàrantan air Oidhche Challainn

We’ve looked at some of the structures already, but we will begin to research them in more detail.

An tèid thu dhachaigh aig àm na Nollaig?
Will you go home at Christmastime?
Carson nach tèid?
Why won’t you go?
Cha tèid mise dhan Òban
I won’t go to Oban
Nach fhaigh thu dhachaigh?
Won’t you get home?
I will [get].
Chì mi mo phàrantan air Oidhche Challainn.
I’ll see my parents at Hogmanay.
Am faic?
Will you [see]?
An toir thu preusantan dhaibh?
Will you give them presents?
I will [give]
Nì mi duf dhaibh.
I’ll make them a clootie dumpling.
An dèan?
Will you [make]?
Nach dèan thu tè dhòmhsa?
Won’t you make one for me?
Cha chuala mi riamh cuideigin ag ithe duf le isbeanan
I have never heard of someone eating clootie dumpling with sausages.
Am faic thu bodach na Nollaig?
Will you see Santa Claus?
I will [see].
An cluinn thu fhèin esan is Rudolph air Oidhche na Nollaig?
Will you hear him and Rudolph on Christmas eve?
Cha chluinn
I won’t [hear]
Cluinnidh mi mo chlann a’ gearain gum bi e a’ cleachdadh na staidhre
I’ll hear my children complain that he uses the stair(s)