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A' cleachdadh ghnìomhairean san tràth theachdail

Using verbs in the future tense

For a simple positive statement, How do you form the future tense, an tràth teachdail, of regular verbs?

You add the sound –idh to the root (command), for example coisich (walk!) to coisichidh (will walk). If the last vowel of the root is broad (a/o/u) then –idh will be spelt –aidh.

For the direct question or the answer No you use the command form: An coisich sinn? Cha choisich.

How do you form the future tense of irregular verbs?

These rules do not work for most of the irregular verbs. It’s better just to learn them. The good news is that they are the most common verbs so you will get to use them lots!

ÒrdughCommandAn tràth caithteThe past tenseAn tràth teachdailThe future tense
dèan!do/make!rinnmade/didwill do/make
faic!see!chunnaicsawchìwill see
faigh!get!fhuairgotgheibhwill get
rach!go!chaidhwentthèidwill go
thoir!give!thuggavebheirwill give
cluinn!listen!chualaheardcluinnidhwill hear
thig!reach!thàinigreachedthigwill arrive

Here are the structures to ask and answer questions in the future tense.

Questions and answers for cluinn (listen) follow the rules for regular verbs.

Questions and answers for thig (come) do not and it’s best to learn them.