Bilingual transcription - In the park: seasons
Bilingual transcription - Anns a’ Phàirc: Na ràithean
O halò Emma, halò a Mhìcheil. Nach brèagha an latha. A bheil thu ag obair an-diugh Emma?
(Hello Emma, hello Michael. Isn’t it a beautiful day. Are you working today?)
Tha mi a’ dol a dh’obair a-nochd! Ach an-dràsta, tha mi a’ dol a ghabhail na grèine.
(I’m going to work tonight! But now, I’m going to get some sun.)
O ’s toil leam an t-àm seo dhen bhliadhna. ’S e an samhradh an ràith as fheàrr leam.
(I likethis time of year. Summer is my favourite season.)
Dè as toil leibh mu dheidhinn?
(What do you like about it?)
Uill, ’s toil leam na làithean fada, soilleir. ’S toil leam am blàths agus a’ ghrian.
(Well, I like the long, bright days. I like the warmth and the sun.)
Dè an ràith as fheàrr leat fhèin, Emma?
(What’s your favourite season Emma?)
’S toil leam an geamhradh.
(I like the winter.)
Dè as fheàrr leat mun gheamhradh?
(What do you preferabout the winter?)
’S toil leam an sneachd agus is fìor thoil leam an Nollaig. Dè an ràith as fheàrr leibh fhèin a Sheonaidh?
(I like the snow and I really like Christmas. What is your favourite season, Seonaidh?)
Is fìor thoil leam an t-earrach.
(I really like spring.)
Dè as fheàrr leibh mu ràith an earraich?
(What do you preferabout the spring season?)
Tha na flùraichean a’ fàs. Agus is fìor thoil leam a’ Chàisg.
(The flowers are growing. And I really like Easter.)
’S e am foghar ann an Alba Nuadh an ràith as fheàrr leamsa.
(Autumn in Nova Scotia is my favourite season.)
A bheil am foghar ann an Alba Nuadh nas fheàrr na foghar ann an Alba?
(Is autumn in Nova Scotia better than autumn in Scotland?)
Tha. Tha na dathan cho brèagha ann an Alba Nuadh. Tha na duilleagan donn agus orains, buidhe agus dearg. ’S e àm àlainn a th’ ann.
(Yes. The colours in Nova Scotia are so beautiful. The leaves are brown and orange, yellow and red. It’s a lovely time.)
An tèid thu gu Alba Nuadh as t-fhoghar, a Mhìcheil?
(Will you go to Nova Scotia in the autumn, Mìcheal?)
Cha tèid. Tha mi a’ dol a dh’fhuireach ann an Glaschu am-bliadhna. Ach, thèid mi ann an ath-bhliadhn’.
(No. I’m going to stay in Glasgow this year. But I’ll gotherenext year.)
A bheil sibh a’ dol air làithean-saora am-bliadhna?
(Are you going on holiday this year?)
Chan eil mise a’ dol air làithean-saora as t-samhradh.
(I’m not going on holiday in the summer.)
Thèid sinne a dh’Inbhirnis, ‘s dòcha? Chì sinn…
(We’ll go to Inverness maybe.We’ll see...)