Means of communication

Dòighean conaltraidh

Sin thu fhèin!

In this section, we will build on what we learnt in A1 Cuspair 11 to talk about dòighean conaltraidh (means of communication).

By the end of this short lesson, you should be confident about:

  • A' bruidhinn air conaltradh | Talking about communication
  • A' toirt taing do dhaoine | Giving thanks to people

You will also learn about:

  • Riochdairean roimhearach le GU: thugam, thugad, thuige, thuice, thugainn, thugaibh, thuca | Prepositional pronouns with GU: thugam, thugad, thuige, thuice, thugainn, thugaibh, thuca