Complete for 2 points

An dàrna turas: Cuir teacsa thugam

Take two: Sending me a text

Let’s have a look at this discussion again.

Cairt-phuist! A Mhàiri, fhuair mi naidheachd bho Iain. Agus sgrìobh e an seòladh ceart an turas seo! Èist ri seo. An dòchas gu bheil thu gu math. An seo anns an Eilbheis, a’ sgitheadh airson seachdain. Sìde mhìorbhaileach. Sneachd gu leòr. Dùrachdan, Iain A postcard! Mary, I got news from John! And he wrote the correct address this time! Listen to this. Hope you’re well. Here in Switzerland, skiing for a week. Marvellous weather. Plenty of snow. Best wishes, John.
Fhionnlaigh, dìreach a’ cur teacsa thugad is cabhag orm. Saoil am bi thu saor seachdain Dihaoine? Tha sinn a’ dol a-mach airson greim bìdh. Finlay, just sending you a text in a hurry. I wonder if you’ll be free a week on Friday? We’re going out for a bite to eat.
Bidh mi saor. Cò, cuin is càite? Ceud taing, Fionnlagh. I’ll be free. Who, when and where? A hundred thanks, Finlay.
Cuiridh mi fios thugaibh uile aig toiseach na seachdain. Mìle taing. Màiri. I’ll let you all know at the beginning of the week. A thousand thanks, Mary.
Cuiridh mi teacsa thuige. Bidh e air tilleadh a-nis. I’ll send him a text. He’ll have returned (by) now.
Ach bidh teacsa ro dhaor ma bhios Iain agus a’ fon-làimhe aige fhathast thall thairis. Cuir fios no teachdaireachd thuige air na meadhanan sòisealta. But a text will be too expensive if John and his mobile (phone) are still abroad. Send a message to him on social media.
Cha chuir. Cha bhi e a’ toirt sùil orra. Cuiridh mi post-d thuige. Halò, Iain. Fhuair mi a’ chairt-phuist agad, mòran taing. Dìreach a’ cur post-d thugad, an dòchas gum faigh thu i air-loidhne, thall thairis no aig an taigh. Saoil an tig thu a-mach còmhla rinn Dihaoine airson greim bìdh? I won’t (send). He doesn’t look at it (them). I’ll send him an email. Hallo, John. I got your postcard, many thanks. Just sending you an email, and hoping that you get it online, (whether you are) abroad or at home. I wonder if you will come out with us on Friday for a bite to eat?
Mo thaing dhut. Tha mi air ais agus bidh mi ann. Cuin is càite? Cuir teacsa thugam bho seo a-mach. No cuir fòn. Tha tiodhlacan agam dhuibh. My thanks to you. I am back and I’ll be there. When and where? Send me a text from now on. Or phone. I have presents for you.
Nach math d’ fhaicinn, Iain! Ceud mìle taing airson nan seòclaidean. It’s good to see you, John. A hundred thousand thanks for the chocolates.
‘S e do bheatha. You’re welcome.
Tapadh leat, Iain! Thank you, John.
Taing, ‘ille Thanks, mate.
‘S e ur beatha, uile! You’re all welcome!