Complete for 2 points

An dàrna turas: Feumaidh mi a dhol ann a-màireach!

Take two: I have to go there tomorrow

Let’s have a look at this conversation again.

Mo chreach! Eil cuimhne agad gu bheil mi a’ faicinn an fhiaclair aig ceithir? Cuimhnich! Heavens! Do you remember that I’m seeing the dentist at four? Remember!
Mas math mo chuimhne nach ann a-màireach a bhios tu a’ faicinn an fhiaclair agad? If (my) memory serves, isn’t it tomorrow that you’re seeing your dentist?
Ò, ‘s math sin. Bidh mi caran trang an-diugh co-dhiù, eil fhios agad? Oh, that’s good. I will be kind of busy today anyway, you know?
Tha fhios a’m. ‘S e latha trang a bhios ann gu deimhinne. I know. It’ll be a busy day for sure.
Cha toil leam a bhith a’ faicinn an fhiaclair co-dhiù! I don’t like seeing the dentist anyway!
Gu dearbh. Indeed.
Smaoinich! Uair gu leth sa chathair, fuaim sgràthail. Obh, obh! Imagine! An hour and a half in the chair, a terrible sound. Oh dear!
Seadh. Uh-huh.
Nuair a bhios sin deiseil, bidh mise a’ toirt airgead dha-san! When that’s done, I pay him money!
Gu dearbh. Indeed.
Mar a thuirt mi roimhe, cha toil leam a bhith a’ dol ann. Ach feumaidh mi a dhol ann a màireach! As I said before, I don’t like going there. But I have to go (there) tomorrow!
Mura tèid thu ann, ge-tà, ciamar a gheibh tha na fiaclan brèagha, glana, geala as toil leat? If you don’t go, though, how will you get the lovely, clean, white teeth you like?
Dha-rìribh. Thèid mi ann, ma-tà. Indeed. I’ll go (there), then.