Complete for 2 points

Nuair a thuirt Dòmhnall sin …

When Donald said that …

Play with the sentences below until you are happy with the different answers. You know there are no wrong answers!

Nuair a thuirt Dòmhnall sin When Donald said that Mar a thuirt Dòmhnall As Donald said Ged a thuirt Dòmhnall sin Though Donald said that Ma thuirt Dòmhnall sin If Donald said that

rithe, bha e ceàrr.

to her, he was wrong.

Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh

I think
gun tuirt that he said nach tuirt that he didn’t say

e gun robh a’ falbh

(that) he was leaving.

Cha robh fhios agam dè bha a’ tachairt

I didn’t know what was happening
gus an tuirt i sin. until she said that. mus tuirt i sin. before she said that. mura tuirt i sin. if she didn’t say that.