Complete for 2 points

Mus tèid sinn nas fhaide air adhart …

Before we go any further …

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will be able to have this conversation! It’s full of useful phrases that you can adapt to suit a whole range of situations.

Tha sin inntinneach: Carson a chaidh thu dhan Eilbheis? That’s interesting. Why did you go to Switzerland?
Uill, nuair a bha mi òg, bhiodh sinn a’ sgitheadh ann an Alba. Ach, mar a tha fios agad, chan eil mòran sneachd an seo as t-foghar. Cha robh mòran fios agam mun Eilbheis gus an deach mi ann?. Agus mar a chì sibh, tha sneachd gu leòr ann. Ged a bha e cosgail, bha e math. Well, when I was young, we would go skiing in Scotland. But, as you know, there isn’t much snow here in the autumn. I didn’t know much about Switzerland until I went. And, as you can see, there’s plenty of snow. Although it was expensive (costly), it was good.
Saor-làithean ann an Alba! Sin far am bi mise a’ dol! Chan fhaigh thu nas fheàrr (ach nuair a bhios tu ag iarraidh sneachd!). Nuair a bha sinne òg, mus robh càr againn, bhiodh sinn a’ dol air feadh Alba air an trèan no ann am bus agus air an aiseag. Gus an robh mi sia-bliadhn’-deug, cha robh mi ann an càr. Agus … ged nach robh càr againn, rinn sinn tòrr siubhail. Ma bha latha math ann, bhiodh sinn a’ coiseachd. Aon turas choisich sinn bho Ghlaschu gu Inbhir Nis. Holidays in Scotland! That’s where I go. You won’t get better (except when you are wanting snow!). When we were young, before we had a car, we would go everywhere in Scotland on the train, or by bus and on the ferry. Until I was sixteen (years), I hadn’t been (wasn’t) in a car. And even though we didn’t have a car, we did a lot of travelling. If it was a good day, we would walk. One time we walked from Glasgow to Inverness.
Carson a rinn sibh sin?! Why did you do that?!
Airson spòrs! Agus, mar a thuirt mi roimhe, airson saor-làithean, chan fhaigh thu nas fheàrr na Alba! For fun. and as I said earlier, for holidays, you won’t get better than Scotland!
Mus tèid sinn nas fhaide air adhart leis a’ chòmhradh seo, a bheil nì sam bith bho dhuine sam bith mus dùin iad? Before we go (any) further with this conversation, does anyone want anything before they close?
An tuirt thu gun robh seòclaid- theth aca? Did you say that they had hot chocolate?
Thuirt. I did (say).
Gabhaidh mi sin, mas e do thoil e. I’ll have that, please.
Mur a bi mi ro anmoch, gabhaidh mi seòclaid-theth cuideachd. If I’m not too late, I’ll have a hot chocolate as well.
Mise cuideachd. Me as well!