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Complete for 2 points

Dè bhios tu a' dèanamh aig an deireadh-sheachdain?

What will you do over the weekend?

Let’s have a look at this conversation. By the end of this short section, you will be able to have this conversation!

Dè bhios tu a’ dèanamh aig an deireadh-sheachdain? What will you be doing over the weekend?
Thèid mi a-mach a ruith. Tha a’ ghrian a’ dol a dheàrrsadh. Bidh i snog. I will go out to run. The sun is going to be shining it will be nice.
Tha eagal orm nach bi! Bidh a’ ghaoth a’ sèideadh agus bidh i a’ sileadh! Bidh i a’ dòrtadh. I fear it won’t be! The wind will be blowing and it will be raining. It will be pouring.
Tha mi an dòchas nach bi. Tha mi an dòchas gum bi na rathaidean tioram. I hope it won’t. I hope that the roads will be dry.
Chan eil mi cinnteach. A bheil a’ ghrian a’ dol a dheàrrsadh a-màireach? I am not sure. Is the sun going to shine tomorrow?
Tha. Tha a’ ghrian a’ dol a dheàrrsadh a-màireach. Dè bhios tu a’ dèanamh an-ath-sheachdain? Yes. The sun is going to shine tomorrow. What are you going to do next week?
Tha mi an dòchas gum bi obair ùr agam ach tha eagal orm gum bi mi fhathast a’ dràibheadh. Ach an rud a thig leis a’ ghaoith, falbhaidh e leis an t-sruth! I hope to have a new job but I fear that I will still be driving. But the thing which comes with the wind, it leaves with the stream [figuratively: easy come, easy go]!