Does Finlay have children?
A bheil clann aig Fionnlagh?
Let’s have a look at this conversation. By the end of this short section, you will be able to have this conversation!
A bheil thu singilte?
Are you single?
Tha. Chan eil mi pòsta. Chan eil bràmair agam. Nach eil sibhse pòsta?
Yes. I am not married. I do not have a sweetheart. Aren’t you married?
Tha. A bheil clann agad?
Yes. Do you have children?
Tha. Tha mac agus nighean agam. Nach eil clann agaibh?
Yes. I have a son and daughter. Don’t you have children?
Chan eil. A bheil clann aig Fionnlagh?
No. Does Finlay have children?
Tha. Tha dà mhac agus nighean aige.
Yes. He has two sons and a daughter.