Complete for 2 points

Feuch e: Tha thu glic!

Feuch e: You are wise!

Siuthad! Your turn now. Read Anne’s part.

Answer the questions with your favourite responses. Just have fun as this is not a test, you can’t go wrong. 

’S e boireannach glic a th’ annaibh! You are a wise woman!
Chan eil mi cho glic ri Fionnlagh! I’m not as wise as Finlay.
Tha sibh a’ smaoineachadh sin ach ’s e duine gu math gòrach a th’ ann am Fionnlagh. You think that but Finlay is a very silly man.
Aw, ’s e duine èibhinn a th’ ann. Is toil leam e, tha e gu math mi-mhodhail ach laghach. Aw, he’s a funny man. I like him, he is really cheeky but kind.
Bha bus air an-dè. Bha e a’ dràibheadh dhan Eilean Sgitheanach a-raoir. He was sullen yesterday. He was driving to the Isle of Skye last night.
Carson? Why?
Tha mise a’ smaoineachadh gun robh obair aige. I think he had a job.
Is toil leam na Sgiathanaich. Tha iad uile gasta. I like Skye folk. They are all nice.