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A bheil bràthair no piuthar aige?

Does he have a brother or sister?

Let’s put this with our questions and answers about brothers and sisters.

A bheil bràthair no piuthar aige?

Does he have a brother or sister?

Tha dà bhràthair is dà phiuthar aige

He has two brothers and two sisters

A bheil bràthair aice?

Does she have a brother?

Tha. Tha bràthair aice.

Yes. She has a brother.

A bheil piuthar aig Màiri?

Does Màiri have a sister?

Tha. Tha dà phiuthar is bràthair aig Màiri.

Yes. Mary has two sisters and a brother.

Nach eil bràthair no piuthar agam?

Don’t I have a brother or sister?

Chan eil


A bheil bràthair againn?

Do we have a brother?

Chan eil


Cia mheud bràthair no piuthar a th’ aig Dòmhnall?

How many brothers or sisters does Donald have?

Tha dithis aig Dòmhnall

Dòmhnall has two (people)