Because technology is changing so quickly these days, we often talk about what things will be like san àm ri teachd (in the future)
What do you think about the future?
Ciamar a bhios an saoghal eadar–dhealaichte an ceann còig bliadhna, no an ceann deich bliadhna?
How different will the world be in five years, or in ten years?
Cò ris a bhios an saoghal coltach an ceann ceud bliadhna?
What will the world be like in a hundred years?
Am bi sinn uile a’ dràibheadh chàraichean dealain an ceann fichead bliadhna?
Will we all be driving electric cards in twenty years?
Am biodh tusa toilichte càr ùr dealain fhaighinn?
Would you be happy to get a new electric car?
An cuidich teicneòlas sinn a bhith a’ cur stad air atharrachadh na gnàth–shìde?
Will technology help us to stop climate change?
Ciamar a bhios sinn a’ siubhal air feadh an t–saoghail san àm ri teachd?
How will we be travelling worldwide in the future?