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Bilingual transcription: Teicneòlas

Bilingual transcription: Technology

ETTA: O Luc, an cuidich thu mi leis a’ choimpiutair a tha seo?

Will you help me with this computer?

LUC: Dè tha ceàrr air?

What’s wrong with it?

ETTA: Chan eil càil a dh’fhios a’m. Bha mi ag obair air fiosrachadh dhan Bhòrd-stiùiridh. Tha Mìcheal ag iarraidh coinneamh a chur air dòigh ’s tha mi a’ feuchainn ri post-dealain a sgaoileadh.

I don’t know. I was working on information for the Board of Directors. Micheal wants to arrange a meeting and I’m trying to share information by email.

ETTA: Ach tha an sgrìn air a dhol dubh!

But the screen’s gone black.

LUC: An do shàbhailsibh am faidhle?

Did you save the file?

ETTA: Cha do shàbhail, sàbhailidh mi a-rithist e. Tha eagal orm gu bheil rudeigin fada ceàrr.

I didn’t save it, I’ll save it later. I’m afraid there’s something very wrong.

LUC: An do chuir sibh an coimpiutair dheth agus air a-rithist!

Did you switch the computer off and back on again?

ETTA: Cha do chuir. Am bi sin feumail?

No I didn’t. Will that help?

LUC: Cò aige tha fios ach nam bheachd-sa, gu tric ‘s e sin an rud as fheàrr.

Who knows but in my opinion that’s often the best thing.

ETTA: An caill mi a h-uile càil?

Will I lose everything?

LUC: Cha chaill… tha mi an dòchas nach caill…

No… I hope not…

LUC: ..cho fad ’s a thig e air ais air! A bheil leth-bhreac agaibh dhen stuth gu lèir, leth-bhreac glèidhte?

..as long as the computer comes back on. Do you have a copy of everything, a saved copy?

ETTA: Saoilidh mi gu bheil seo a’ sàbhaladh leth-bhreac den h-uile càil.

I think this saves a copy of everything.

LUC: Dràibh! Nam bheachd-sa, an rud as fhèarr as urrainn a bhith agad.

A drive! In my opinion, the best thing you can have.

ETTA: Chan eil an luchag ag obrachadh agus chan eil am meur-chlàr ag obrachadh!

The mouse isn’t working and the keyboard isn’t working!

LUC: Brùthaibh am putan airson a chur dheth.

Press the button to switch it off.

ETTA: Ma chailleas mi a h-uile rud a tha seo, bidh e cho math dhomh mo chasan a thoirt leam!

If I lose everything here, I’ll be as well leaving (taking my feet with me)!

LUC: Sin sibh! Brùthaibh am putan a-rithist airson an t-inneal a chur air.

That’s it! And now press the button again to switch the machine on.

ETTA: Tha e fhathast beò co-dhiù.

It’s still alive anyway,

LUC: Dè idir a rinn daoine mus tàinig coimpiutairean?

Whatever did people do before computers?

ETTA: Chan eil eòlas agadsa air saoghal às aonais teicneòlais. Nad bheachd-sa, tha feum air fòn-làimhe na do dhòrn gach mionaid dhen latha!

You have no knowledge of a world without technology. In your opinion, you need a mobile phone in your hand every minute of the day.

LUC: Cha b’ urrainn dhomh a bhith beò às aonais eadar-lìon làn fiosrachaidh agus às aonais mheadhanan-sòisealtalàn…

With an internet full of information, social media full of…

ETTA: Chunnartan!


ETTA: O, tha e air tighinn air agus chì mi an stuth gu lèir. Abair faochadh!

Oh it’s come on and I can see all of the information. What a relief!

LUC: Seall coltas an sgrìn agaibh! Bu chòir dhuibh faidhlicheana chur ann am pasgain.

Look at your screen! You should put files into folders.

ETTA: Tha fios a’m far an lorg mi a h-uile càil.

I know where I can find everything.

LUC: Ach dè nam feumadh cuideigin eile an obair a dhèanamh –nan toireadh sibhse ur casan leibh?!

But what if someone else had to take over the work –if you left (took your legs with you)!

ETTA: Briog air a’ luchaig agus bidh am post-dealain air an t-slighe.

A press of mouse and the email is on the way.