Complete for 2 points

Tha e air mar–thà!

It's on already!

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Anna, dèan cobhair orm! Tha an coimpiutair agam reòite, ach tha solas a’ choimpiutair fhathast air! Anna, help me! My computer is frozen, but the computer light is still on!
Cuir air e, ma–thà. Switch it on, then.
Tha e air mar–thà! It’s on already!
Duilich, ‘s e bha mi a’ ciallachadh ach: an do chuir thu dheth is air a–rithist e? An do dh’ath–thòisich thu e? Sorry, what I was actually meaning was: did you switch it off and on again? Did you restart it?
Dh’ath–thòisich! Dà thuras! I did (restart it)! Twice!
Dè rinn thu an uair sin? What did you do then?
Tha mi air a’ bhith a’ briogadh clì agus deas air an luchaig agus a’ feuchainn ri sgroladh air a’ bhrabhsair. Chan eil sgeul air na roghainnean air an sgrìn. I have been left–clicking and right–clicking (on) the mouse, and trying to scroll on the browser. There’s no sign of the options on the screen.
Iochd! Tha coinneamh agam leis a’ chunntasair feasgar. An do shàbhail thu am faidhle leis na figearan ann? Heavens! I have a meeting with the accountant in the afternoon. Did you save the file with the figures in it?
Shàbhail. Luchdaich mi a–nuas na faidhlichean gu lèir dhan choimpiutair agus luchdaich mi a–nìos na dearbh fhaidhlichean dhan chunntas sgòtha agam. I did (save). I downloaded all the files to the computer and I uploaded the same files to my cloud account.
Math dha–rìreabh. Tha smuain agam. Chan eil e gu diofar nach eil an coimpiutair a’ dèanamh conaltradh ris an eadar–lìon an–dràsta leis gu bheil na faidhlichean againn sàbhailte. Brilliant. I have an idea. It doesn’t matter that the computer isn’t communicating with [connected to] the internet because our files are safe.
Tha mi leat! Nì sinn lorg air na faidhlichean air coimpiutair sam bith a tha ceangailte ris an eadar–lìon. Ach dè mu dheidhinn a’ choimpiutair agamsa? I’m with you! We’ll do a search for the files on any (other) computer that’s connected to the internet. But what about my computer?
Cuir dheth a–rithist e, agus cho luath ‘s a thòisicheas e, briog air F8 agus fosgail an coimpiutair ann am modh sàbhailte. Switch it off again, and as soon as it starts, click on F8 and open the computer in safe mode.
Mìorbhaileach! Marvellous!
Agus rud eile mus dèan sinn sin: a bheil a h–uile càball is uèir plugte a–staigh gu teann? And one other thing before we do that: is every cable and wire plugged in properly [tightly]?