Technology and invention

Teicneòlas is innleachd

Deiseil? | Ready?

By the end of this short lesson, you should be confident about:

  • A’ bruidhinn air an innleachd as fheàrr, as cudromaiche, as fheumaile, as goireasaiche … | Talking about the invention/device that's the best, the most important, useful, convenient

You will also learn about:

  • cuideam le -SA: NAM BHEACHD-SA | emphasis with -SA: NAM BHEACHD-SA
  • buadhairean coimeasach is feabhasach a-rithist | comparative and superlative adjectives again
Is fheàrr an saoghal ionnsachadh na sheachnadh.
It's better to learn about the world than avoid it—embrace change!