It’s important for us to read Gaelic text as often as possible and at different levels, some of which are easy, and some which are challenging.
Why don’t you have a go at this task?
Try reading this passage at least twice. It’s about new digital resources for Gaelic and is taken from the BBC website.
We’ve given you a head start with some new vocabulary. And if you don’t understand some of the words, try looking them up in your dictionary or the LearnGaelic faclair.
Remember: don’t worry if this seems difficult at first. ‘S e an cleachdadh a nì teòma—practice makes perfect!
Tha buidheann rannsachaidh a tha air teicneòlas a chruthachadh a nì eadar–theangachadh beò air a’ Ghàidhlig ag ràdh gun gabh a chur gu feum an taobh a–staigh dà bhliadhna.
Chaidh a dhealbhachadh le Buidheann Rannsachaidh Algairimeach na Gàidhlig (GARG), buidheann rannsachaidh eadar–nàiseanta.
Tha e aig ìre paidhleit an–dràsta agus tha am buidheann air obrachadh air diofar dhòighean gus fo–thiotalan Gàidhlig a dhèanamh thairis air diofar seòrsa mheadhanan beò agus tha iad ag amas air a leudachadh le taic bhon riaghaltas.
‘’S e an t–amas a bhith a’ leasachadh teicneòlas airson luchd–cleachdaidh na Gàidhlig’, thuirt an Dr Uilleam Lamb bhon bhuidheann.
‘Tha sinn air diofar seòrsa teicneòlais a chruthachadh a leithid ‘An Gocair’, sin uidheamachd a bhios a’ ceartachadh teacsa Gàidhlig sam bith gu GOC – ‘Gaelic Orthographic Conventions’.
‘’S e th’ ann ach dearbhair–litreachaidh gu math luath agus gu math èifeachdach airson na mòr–chuid de rudan co–dhiù.’
‘A bharrachd air a sin, siostam aithneachaidh–chainnte a bhios ag èisteachd ri Gàidhlig agus i ga bruidhinn agus an uair sin ga sgrìobhadh sìos mar theacsa’, thuirt e.
Tha dùil gum biodh an goireas feumail do sgoiltean, oilthighean agus na meadhanan airson fo–thiotalan a dhèanamh aig astar nas luaithe.
rannsachadh (m)
eadar–theangachadh (m)
dealbhachadh (m)
design, designing
algairimeach (adj)
paidhleat (m)
fo–thiotalan (m)
leudachadh (m)
expansion, expanding
luchd–cleachdaidh (m)
dearbhair–litreachaidh (m)
èifeachdach (adj)
effective, efficient
siostam aithneachaidh–chainnte
speech recognition system
Agus seo dhut a’ Bheurla!
A research group which has created technology that translates Gaelic live says it could be operational within two years.
It was designed by GARG (Gaelic Algorithmic Research Group), an international research group.
It is at pilot stage just now and the group has worked on different ways to create Gaelic subtitles across different kinds of live media and they are aiming to expand it (the project) with assistance from the Government.
‘It’s the aim to be developing technology for Gaelic users,’ said Dr William Lamb from the group.
‘We have created different kinds of technology, such as ‘An Gocair‘, that’s a utility which ‘corrects’ any Gaelic text to GOC – ‘Gaelic Orthographic Conventions‘.
‘It’s just a very fast and efficient spellchecker for most things anyway.
‘In addition to that, [there’s] a speech recognition system which listens to Gaelic and speaks it and then writes it down as text,’ he said.
It’s hoped that the resource will be useful to schools, universities and the media to create subtitles at a faster speed.