Slàinte is Sunnd - Dèanta!
Meal do naidheachd! | Congratulations!
Snasail! Sàr obair! You should now be confident in the following:
- a' faighneachd mu shlàinte is sunnd cuideigin| asking about someone's health and well–being
- a' bruidhinn mu do shlàinte is sunnd fhèin| talking about your own health and well–being
- a' bruidhinn mu shlàinte chuideigin eile| talking about someone else's health
- ag ràdh ma bhios slàinte cuideigin a' dol am feabhas no a' dol am miosad | saying if people's health is improving or deteriorating
- a' guidhe deagh shlàinte do dhaoine| wishing people good health