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Slàinte is Sunnd

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Bilingual transcription: Slàinte is Sunnd

Bilingual transcription: Health and Wellbeing

MÌCHEAL:Madainn mhath Etta, dè ur cor an-diugh?

Good morning, Etta, how are you today?

ETTA: O chan eil adhbhar gearain agam. Ciamar a tha do ghlùin?

There’s no point in complaining. How’s your knee?

MÌCHEAL: Abair gu bheil piseach air tighinn oirre. Tha i a’ fàs nas fheàrr – chan eil mi ann an cràdh tuilleadh.

It’s improving and getting better. I’m not in pain any more.

ETTA: Dè thuirt an dotair?

What did the doctor say?

MÌCHEAL: Thuirt e gu bheil i air a dhol am feabhas, agus fhuair mi cead bhuaithe ruith nas luaithe agus nas fhaide. Agus, iomain a chluich a-rithist.

He said that’s it healing, and I have permission from him to run faster and longer. And to play shinty again.

MÌCHEAL: Chan eil sìon ceàrr orm a-nise agus ’s mi a th’ air mo dhòigh: tha mi a’ dannsa rim fhaileas!

There’s nothing wrong with me now and I’m so happy: I’m dancing in my shadow!

ETTA: Chan eil mi a’ smaoineachadh gum bi Sophie an seo an-diugh. Bha i a’ casadaich an-dè agus bha i ag ràdh gun robh a h-amhaich goirt.

I don’t think Sophie will be here today. She was coughing yesterday and was saying that her throat was sore.

MÌCHEAL: Tha mi’n dòchas gum fuirich i aig an taigh ma-tha, agus gum fàs i nas fheàrr.

I hope she stays at home and that she gets better.

MÌCHEAL: Feumaidh gun robh na cluasan aice teth. Seo teacsa bhuaipe. “Chan eil mi a’ faireachdainn gu math agus tha droch chasad orm.”

Her ears must have been hot. This is a text from her. “I’m not feeling very well and I have a bad cough.”

MÌCHEAL: A bheil sibh fhèin ceart gu leòr?

Are you okay?

ETTA: Uill, bha an dèideadh ormsa a-raoir, bha an cràdh a’ dol tromham. Tha e goirt fhathast ach chan eil e a’ dol tromham mar a bha.

Well I had toothache last night and the pain was just cutting through me. It’s still a bit sore but not cutting through like it was.

MÌCHEAL: Tha sibh ag ithe cus rudan milis, Etta! Tha slàint’ ur fiaclan a cheart cho cudromach ri slàinte glùin’.

You eat too many sweet things, Etta! Dental health is just as important as the health of the knees!

ETTA: Cuiridh mi fòn chun an fhiaclair an-diugh fhathast. A Mhìcheil, tha dragh orm mu Phàdraig.

l’ll phone the dentist later on today. Micheal, I’m worried about Padraig.

MÌCHEAL: Dè tha ceàrr air? Bha e a’ coimhead ceart gu leòr an-dè. Nach eil e gu math?

What’s wrong with him? He was looking fine yesterday. Isn’t he well?

ETTA: Chan eil e cho sunndach ’s as àbhaist dha. Tha rudeigin a’ cur dragh air.

He’s not in his usual good spirits. Something is bothering him.

MÌCHEAL: Och, bidh e dìreach trang le obair na colaiste.

He’ll just be busy with his college work.

ETTA: Tha rudeigin air inntinn chan eil e a’ bruidhinn mu dheidhinn. Tha mi draghail mu a shlàinte-inntinn.

There’s something on his mindbut he’s not talking about it. I’m concerned for his mental health.

MÌCHEAL: Chan eil cuirm mhòr na colaiste fad’ air falbh. Bidh e a’ cluiche an àrd-ùrlar airson na ciad uair, agus iomagaineach mun sin.

The big college concert is coming up soon. He’ll be playing on stage for the first time and worried about that.

ETTA: Dh’fhaodadh tu a bhith ceart. B’ àbhaist dha a bhith a’ fàs iomagaineach mu rudan mòra mar sin, agus cha bhiodh a mhisneachd cho math.

He is good, but you’re right. He used to get worried about big things like that, and his confidence would suffer.

MÌCHEAL: Bhiodh sin trom air inntinn, gun teagamh. Tha slàinte-inntinn a cheart cho cudromachri slàinte-bodhaige.

That would be tough mentally, for sure. Mental health is just as important as physical health.

ETTA: Ciamar a chuidicheas mi e fàs nas fheàrr mur a h-eil e airson bruidhinn rium?

How can I help him if he doesn’t want to talk to me?

MÌCHEAL: Bidh mi fhìn ’se fhèin a’ ruith còmhla agus tha sinn a’ fàs nas càirdeile. Am bruidhinn mise ris?

Him and I run together and we’re becoming friendlier. Will I talk to him?

ETTA: Bhiodh sin math. Tapadh leatsa.

That would be great. Thank you.

MÌCHEAL: A-nise, cuiribh fòn chun an fhiaclair!

Now, phone the dentist!