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Slàinte is Sunnd

Complete for 2 points

Cho sona ri bròig

As happy as a shoe

Comparisons are often used in Gaelic: cho làidir ri each, cho sona ri bròig, etc. There are lots of these which we can use to talk about our health and well–being. 

cho sona ri bròig

as happy as a shoe

cho sona ri luch ann an lofa

as happy as a mouse in a loaf

cho marbh ri sgadan

as dead as a herring

cho fallain ri fiadh

as fit as a deer

cho làidir ri each

as strong as a horse

cho fuar ris a’ phuinnsean

as cold as the poison

cho sgìth ri seann chù

as tired as an old dog

cho mosach ri mathan

as nasty as a bear