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Thathas den bheachd …

It is thought …

There are also passive, or impersonal, forms of the verb bi, and we saw the present tense passive form thathar in Cuspair 10. Phrases such as: Chan eilear a’ smaoineachadh … (It is not thought …), Thathar den bheachd … (It is considered …), are often used in news reports, where it is not stated who is, or isn’t, of an opinion.

An robhar? Was?A bheilear?Is?Am bithear?Will be?
Nach robhar?Wasn’t?Nach eilear?Isn’t?Nach bithear?Won’t be?
Bhathar WasThatharIsBithearWill be
Cha robharWasn’tChan eilearIsn’tCha bhithearWon’t be

Chan eilear cinnteach

In addition to the bhathar, thathar and bithear forms, it is very common to see and hear these with a –thas ending, rather than –thar: bhathas, thathas and bitheas.

A bheileas a’ creidsinn na thuirt e?

Is what he said being believed?

Thathas ag obair air an togalach.

The building is being worked on.

Cha robhas a’ faicinn adhartas.

Progress was not being seen.

Nach eileas an dùil gun tachair e?

Isn’t it expected that it will happen?

Tha iad den bheachd gu bheil an obair an ìre mhath deiseil.

They consider that the work is almost finished.

ach | but

Thathas den bheachd gu bheil an obair an ìre mhath deiseil.

It is considered that the work is almost finished.

A bheil daoine a’ creidsinn gu bheil Niseag ann an Loch Nis?

Do people believe that Nessie is in Loch Ness?

A bheilear a’ creidsinn gu bheil Niseag ann an Loch Nis?

Is it believed that Nessie is in Loch Ness?

Nach eil iad a’ dèanamh adhartas nas luaithe a–nis?

Aren’t they making progress more quickly now?

Nach eileas a’ dèanamh adhartas nas luaithe a–nis?

Isn’t progress being made more quickly now?

Bha iad a’ faicinn mòran dhaoine le comharran Covid orra a’ dol dhan ospadal.

They were seeing many people with Covid symptoms going to the hospital.

Bhathas a’ faicinn mòran dhaoine le comharran Covid orra a’ dol dhan ospadal.

Many people with Covid symptoms were being seen going to (the) hospital.