Complete for 2 points

Dè do naidheachd?

How's it going? [what's your news?]

Let’s have a look at this discussion. By the end of this section, you will have learned some valuable phrases that you can use in lots of different conversations.

Agus sin e bhuainne airson prògram eile. Bidh Aithris na Maidne air ais aig an aon àm, leth uair an dèidh seachd, madainn a–màireach. And that’s it from us for another programme. Aithris na Maidne will be back at the same time, half–past seven [seven thirty], tomorrow morning.
Dè do naidheachd, Fhionnlaigh? How’s it going, Finlay [what’s your news?]
Chan eil guth ri ràdh. Bha mi dìreach ag èisteachd ris na naidheachdan. Nothing to report. I was just listening to the news.
Cò mu dheidhinn a bha a’ phrìomh sgeulachd aca? What was their main story about?
‘S ann mu dheidhinn luchd–poilitigs a bha i: eas-aonta is connspaid. It was about politicians: disagreement and dispute.
An aon duan! Cò mu dheidhinn a bha an dàrna aithris aca? The same old story [the same poem!]. What was their second report about?
‘S ann mu dheidhinn na h–àrainneachd a bha i. Feumaidh na stèiseanan cumhachd san dùthaich seo sgur a chleachdadh gual ro 2025. It was about the environment. The power stations in this country have to stop using coal by 2025.
O mo chreach! A bheil thu ag aontachadh? A bheil thu a’ dol leis na thuirt an aithris? O my goodness! Do you agree? Are you going with [agreeing with] what the report said?
Gu dearbh tha! Nach eil gaoth is grian gu leòr againn? Indeed I am. Don’t we have enough wind and sun?
Dè mu dheidhinn a dhol a–mach airson bracaist agus faodaidh sinn cagnadh tuilleadh air na bhathas ag aithris anns na naidheachdan? What about going out to breakfast and we can chew over some more about what was reported in the news?