Complete for 2 points

Dè do naidheachd?

What's your news?

In this lesson we’ll be talking about the news, the news we see, hear and read, but also about the more personal kind which is of course just as important!

You may have noticed that the language used in news reporting, both in Gaelic and English, has a formal and impersonal style.

Chualas fuaim!

In news reports, things are often reported on using what is called an guth fulangach (the passive voice). It is not said who is doing the action being discussed, for example Chualas fuaim (a sound was heard), rather than Chuala iad fuaim (they heard a sound). There are a few ways to do this in Gaelic, one of which is to use the passive forms of verbs in their different tenses. The past tense forms Chualas and Chunnacas are often used on news programmes:

Chuala sinn gu bheil trioblaid ann.

We heard that there’s a problem.

Chualas gu bheil trioblaid ann.

It was heard that there’s a problem.

Chunnaic sinn aiseag a’ seòladh an–dè.

We saw a ferry sailing yesterday.

Chunnacas aiseag a’ seòladh an–dè.

A ferry was seen sailing yesterday.

Cluinn! | a’ cluinntinn

Hear! | hearing

An cualas?

Was heard?

Nach cualas?

Wasn’t heard?


Was heard

Cha chualas

Wasn’t heard

Chuala sinn an–dè gu bheil mòran dhaoine mì–thoilichte le seirbheis nan aiseagan.

We heard yesterday that many people are unhappy with the ferry service.

Chualas an–dè gu bheil mòran dhaoine mì–thoilichte le seirbheis nan aiseagan.

It was heard yesterday that many people are unhappy with the ferry service.

Nach cuala tu dad air a’ chlàr ùr aig Niteworks fhathast?

Have you heard anything about Niteworks’s new record yet?

Nach cualas dad mun chlàr ùr aig Niteworks fhathast?

Has anything been heard about Niteworks’s new record yet?

Faic! | a’ faicinn

See! | seeing

Am facas?

Was seen?

Nach fhacas?

Wasn’t seen?


Was seen

Chan fhacas

Wasn’t seen

Chunnaic daoine an–diugh a’ bhun–sgoil mu dheireadh san sgìre a’ dùnadh a dorsan.

Today people saw the last primary school in the area close its doors.

Chunnacas an–diugh a’ bhun–sgoil mu dheireadh san sgìre a’ dùnadh a dorsan.

Today the last primary school in the area was seen closing its doors. [It was seen today the last primary school in the area closing its doors.]

Am faca iad Niseag a–riamh ann an Loch Nis?

Did they ever see Nessie in Loch Ness?

Am facas Niseag a–riamh ann an Loch Nis?

Was Nessie ever seen in Loch Ness?