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Bilingual transcription: Naidheachdan

Bilingual transcription: News

PÀDRAIG Nach eil Sophie a-staigh? 

(Isn’t Sophie in?) 

RONA Chan eil. (Looking at the time) Tha i a’ còmhradh ri caraid air an rèidio. Bidh iad beò air an èadhar an-dràsta fhèin. 

(No.  She’s talking to a friend on the radio.  They’ll be live on air right now. )

ETTA Nach èist sinn riutha? 

(Let’s listen to her. )

RONA Chan urrainn dhuinn. ‘S e seirbheis rèidio nan ospadalan a th’ ann. Bidh prògram Gàidhlig aca a h-uile seachdain le aoigh sònraichte.   

(We can’t.  It’s a hospital radio service.  They have a Gaelic programme each week with a special guest. )

ETTA Cò mu dheidhinn a bhios i a’ bruidhinn? 

(What will she be talking about? )

RONA Bidh i a’ bruidhinn mu a deidhinn fhèin agus mar a dh’ionnsaich i Gàidhlig. 

(She’ll be talking about herself and how she learned Gaelic. )

PÀDRAIG Bha mi fhìn agus Etta a’ coimhead air na naidheachdan Gàidhlig na bu thràithe. 

(Etta and I were watching the Gaelic news earlier. )

RONA An robh càil às ùr? 

(Is there anything new? )

ETTA Cha robh, dìreach na sgeulachdan àbhaisteach bhon Phàrlamaid ann an Lunnainn agus ann an Dùn Èideann. 

(No, just the usual stories from Parliament in London and in Edinburgh. )

PÀDRAIG Luchd-poilitigs a’ trod! 

(Politicians arguing! )

ETTA Eas-aonta agus connspaid! 

(Disagreement and controversy! )

PÀDRAIG Bha aon sgeulachd aca a bha glè inntinneach. 

(They had one story which was quite interesting. )

RONA O? Cò mu dheidhinn a bha an aithris sin? 

(Oh, what was that report about? )

ETTA Bha i mun fhèis, agus dùil gum bi a’ chomhairle a’ toirt barrachd taic airgid seachad. 

(It was about the festival, and the anticipation that the council will be giving more funding. )

PÀDRAIG Thug iad iomradh air an obair ùir cuideachd, an t-oifigear leasachaidh ciùil.  Chunnacas gun robh feum air a leithid. 

(They also mentioned the new post, the music development officer. It was seen there was a need for it. )

PÀDRAIG (in a news-reader’s voice

Thathas air aontachadh airgead a thoirt dhan fhèis airson tachartasan ciùil a leasachadh.  Chualas cuideachd gu bheil comataidh na fèise dòchasach neach-obrach air a bheil Rona fhastadh! 

(It has been agreed to provide funding for the festival in order to develop musical events. And the festival committee hope that someone called Rona will be employed! )

RONA Bithibh glic! An e dìreach aithris a bh’ ann? 

(Be serious! Was it just a report? )

PÀDRAIG Bha agallamh ann le aon de na comhairlichean cuideachd. 

(There was also an interview with one of the councillors. )

RONA An neach-labhairt airson nan Ealainean Cruthachail? 

(The spokesperson for the Creative Arts? )

ETTA Sin an tè. Bidh i anns an ionad bho àm gu àm. Tha Gàidhlig mhath aice. 

(That’s the one.  She’s in the hub from time to time.  Her Gaelic is good. )

RONA Saoil an do dh’aontaich na comhairlichean air fad? 

(I wonder if all the councillors agreed? )

ETTA Tha mi an dùil gu robh ceistean gu math cruaidh aca mu chosgaisean. 

(I’m sure they had some tough questions about costs. )

PÀDRUIG Ach chaidh moladh mòr a dhèanamh air an fhèis. 

(But the festival was highly praised. )

ETTA Agus, bha iad toilichte leis an tagradh a fhuair iad airson na taice ùr seo. 

(And they were happy with the application they received for this new support. )

PÀDRAIG Nach robh an aithris air na naidheachdan rèidio cuideachd? 

(Wasn’t the report on the radio news as well? )

RONA Cha robh an rèidio agam air.  Feumaidh mi èisteachd ris a-rithist. Is toil leam a bhith ag èisteachd ris an rèidio. 

(I didn’t have the radio on.  I’ll have to listen on catch-up.  I like listening to the radio. )

PÀDRAIG (Looking around) 

Uill, chan eil telebhisean agaibh! 

(Well you don’t have a television! )

RONA Tha na dealbhan nas fheàrr air an rèidio, a Phàdraig! 

(The pictures on the radio are better Padraig! )

ETTA Nach cuir thusa am fiosrachadh air a’ bhlog agad?  Bidh ùidh aig oileanaich a’ chùrsa chiùil anns an stòiridh. 

(Why don’t you put the information onto your blog? The students on the music course will be interested in the story. )

PÀDRUIG Aye, nì mi sin. 

(I’ll do that. )

ETTA Rona, an cuala tu an còrr mun obair? 

(Rona, have you heard any more about the job? )

RONA Ma gheibh mi agallamh, cuiridh iad fios thugam taobh a-staigh cola-deug aig a’ char as fhaide. 

(If I get an interview, they’ll let me know within a fortnight at the latest. )

PÀDRAIG ’S fheàrr dhut tòiseachadh ag ullachadh ma-thà! 

(You’d better start preparing then! )