Take two: Did you see the news at eleven o'clock?
An dàrna turas: Am faca tu na naidheachdan aig aon uair deug?
Let's have a look at this conversation again.
Am faca tu na naidheachdan aig aon uair deug?
Did you see the news at eleven o'clock?
Chan fhaca. Ach chuala mi na naidheachdan air Radio nan Gàidheal.
I didn't. But I heard the news on Radio nan Gàidheal.
An ann air an rèidio a bhios tu a' faighinn nan naidheachdan agad mar as trice?
Is it on the radio that you get your news mostly (most often)?
Chan ann. 'S toil leam an rèidio, telebhisean, craoladh sam bith. Gheibh mi na naidheachdan ann an iomadach dòigh, tro iomadach meadhan.
It isn't. I like the radio, television, any broadcasting. I get the news in different ways, through numerous/many media.
Nach innis thu dhomh na dòighean seo?
Won't you tell me these ways?
A h–uile latha bidh mi a' tadhal air duilleag nan Naidheachdan 1100 air làrach–lìn a' BhBC.
Every day I visit the Naidheachdan 1100 page on the BBC website.
Glè mhath. Dè eile?
Very good. What else?
'S toil leam aithrisean a bhios nas doimhne na geàrr–chunntasan, mar sin bidh mi a' leughadh phàipearan–naidheachd, ach air an eadar-lìon.
I like reports which are deeper than summaries, so I read newspapers, but on the internet.
Seadh. Tha doimhneachd anns na sgeulachdan anns na pàipearan-naidheachd saoilidh mi.
Uh–huh. There is depth in the stories in the newspapers, I think.
Bidh sin a rèir dè am pàipear–naidheachd a leughas tu! Agus gu tric chan eil na sgeulachdan as ùire aca, gu h-àraidh sgeulachdan is aithisgean poilitigeach.
That depends [will depend] on the newspaper you're reading! And often they don't have the newest stories, particularly political reports.
Tha mi leat. Agus bha fasan ann airson blogaichean naidheachdan, ach tha amharas agam gu bheil iad fhèin a' fàs sean–fhasanta a–nis.
I'm with you. And there was a trend for news blogs, but I suspect that they themselves are becoming a little old–fashioned now.
Tha fios ’am. Bithear a' faighinn mòran air na meadhanan sòisealta cuideachd, ach chan eilear a' cur cus earbsa annta fhathast. Bidh e a rèir cò tha a' postadh no a' tweeteadh!
I know. Much/Lots can be had on social media as well, but too much trust isn't being put in it/them yet. It depends on who's posting and tweeting!