What is it about …? and What about …?

Cò mu dheidhinn …? is Dè mu dheidhinn …?

Cò mu dheidhinn?

We've used the simple preposition mu (about) and mun (about the) already in SpeakGaelic, and we've also seen the compound preposition mu dheidhinn (about).

As with most compound prepositions, when mu dheidhinn is followed by a noun, this needs to be in the genitive (possessive) case, it also combines with the possessive adjectives mo, do, a, a (h–), ar (n–), ur (n–), an/am when used to mean 'about me', 'about you' and so on:

Cò mu dheidhinn a tha e?
What is it about?
'S ann mum dheidhinn–sa a tha e!
It's about me!
Dè mud dheidhinn?
What about you?
Dè mu dheidhinn seo?
What about this?

Dè mu dheidhinn …? (What about …?) is used for suggesting something. Cò mu dheidhinn …? is used to ask what something is about .

Cò an latha a b' fheàrr leat a dhol ann?
Which day would you prefer to go?
Dè mu dheidhinn Disathairne?
What about Saturday?
Taghta. Cò mu dheidhinn a tha am film?
Fine. What's the film about?
'S ann mu dheidhinn a' chogaidh a tha e.
It's about the war.
Dè mu dheidhinn biadh fhaighinn?
What about getting (some) food/a meal?
Deagh bheachd! Nach faigh sinn biadh?
Good idea! Won't we get (some) food/a meal?
Dè mu dheidhinn deoch eile?
What about another drink?
Cha ghabh, tha mi air cus a ghabhail mar–thà.
I won't (have), I have had too much already.
Dè mu dheidhinn a dhol don Fhraing?
What about going to France?
B' fheàrr leam a dhol don Eadailt.
I would prefer to go to Italy.
Dè mu dheidhinn tighinn dhachaigh tràth?
What about coming home early?
Faodaidh tusa, ach tha mise a' fuireach!
You may, but I'm staying!
mu dheidhinn + momum dheidhinnormu mo dheidhinn
mu dheidhinn + domud dheidhinnormu do dheidhinn
mu dheidhinn + amu a dheidhinnormu dheidhinn
mu dheidhinn + amu a deidhinnormu deidhinn
mu dheidhinn + armu ardeidhinnormar dheidhinn
mu dheidhinn + urmu ur deidhinnormur dheidhinn
mu dheidhinn + anmu an deidhinnormun deidhinn


It's worth taking a look at www.bbc.co.uk/naidheachdan where you will find Naidheachdan 1100. Read or listen to one of the stories they have on their summaries.

You don't have to do this! But if you have five minutes (or a little bit more) every day you will see your Gaelic improve very quickly, especially in understanding the news. Go on!