What was the report about?
Cò mu dheidhinn a bha an aithris?
Look at the sentences below and play with the different answers until you're happy with them. There are no wrong answers. Have fun!
'S ann mu dheidhinn
It was about
na Pàrlamaid
(the) Parliament
a’ chogaidh
the war
na Roinn–Eòrpa
na h–eaconamaidh
the economy
na Prìomhaire
the Primer Minister
a’ Phrìomh Mhinisteir
the First Minister
nan aiseagan
the ferries
Seirbheis na slàinte
the Health Service
na h–Ugràine
a bha an aithris naidheachd.
that the news report was.
Dè mu dheidhinn
What about
biadh fhaighinn?
getting food?
film fhaicinn?
seeing a film?
a’ tighinn air saor–làithean?
coming on holiday?
a dhol dhachaigh a–nochd?
going home tonight?
Iain? A bheil esan a’ tighinn?
John? Is he coming?